20 Foods to Eat And Avoid on an Empty Stomach

eat on an empty stomach

What to eat on an empty stomach?

What should you avoid eating on an empty stomach?

Only a few people are aware that some foods are not very good for us if eaten on an empty stomach. Yogurt, a cup of coffee, and fresh orange juice — this is what most people probably picture when they think of a perfect breakfast. However, we have created a simple infographic that will guide you through what we should eat and what we should avoid in the morning.

Shortcrust and puff pastries

Almost everyone dreams of fresh-baked croissants for the breakfast. However, short crust and puff pastries aren’t the best solution for your morning meal. This food contains you so it irritates the lining of your stomach and may cause flatulence. Instead of the buttery pastry go with whole-grain bread with no heat. The best time to eat this product is early in the morning. Carbohydrates and other useful nutrients found in bread are necessary for your body.

Any sweets

The second food you should avoid early in the morning is any sweets .Freak sugar boost insulin level which in turn significantly increases the load on the pancreas that is just woken up. And this may lead to diabetes. Replace the sweets with honey; honey helps you to awaken your body in the morning and provide strength and energy to your system. This product also boosts your brain activity and increases the level of the feel-good hormone serotonin.

Yogurt and other fermented milk products

Here’s the next dangerous morning food : yogurt. It may sound strange to you but eating yogurt and other fermented milk products for breakfast has little benefit for your body. If you eat them on an empty stomach then hydrochloric acid forms in the stomach kills the lactic acid bacteria. Pick up
eggs instead of yogurt. Researchers have found that eating eggs for breakfast can cut your daily calorie intake significantly.

food to avoid


The next one is pears. In general pears are very beneficial for your body but avoid eating them in the morning. Crude fiber found in pairs can injure delicate mucous membranes of an empty stomach. Do you know what’s better for an empty stomach ? Watermelon ! Eating watermelon on an empty stomach provides you with a good amount of fluid. In addition, it’s good for your eyes and heart due to its high levels of lycopene.


Tomatoes also aren’t as beneficial for breakfast to say. Tomatoes contain high levels of tannic acid that increases acidity in the stomach, which can lead to gastric ulcers. To be full of energy all day, leave tomatoes for lunch and grab a plate of corn meal porridge for breakfast. It helps to remove toxins and heavy metals from your system, normalizes intestinal microflora and gives you a feeling of satiating for a long time.

Cucumbers and other green vegetables

You might think that raw vegetables are the healthiest food in the world and it’s kind of true. However, cucumbers and other green vegetables are rich sources of amino acid so they can cause heartburn, flatulence and abdominal pain, especially when consumed on an empty stomach. Avoid eating them early in the morning but include them in your lunch. It turns out that one of the healthiest foods in the world it’s buckweak, it gently stimulates your digestive system but buckwheat is also an excellent source of protein iron and vitamins.


If you eat bananas when your stomachs empty this will lead to a sharp increase in the amount of magnesium in the blood which may harm your heart. Therefore, it’s better to go in oatmeal. It creates a protective coating around the lining of your stomach which prevents hydrochloric acid from causing damage to the stomach wall. Oatmeal also contains soluble fiber which is beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels in your body.

Spicy foods

Spicy foods can cause damage and irritate the gastric mucosa and increase acid production in your stomach. This contributes to many common disorders of the digestive system. Therefore, avoid any spicy food early in the morning. What’s really good for your body is wheat germ. Two tablespoons of wheat germ provides you with about 15 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin E and 10 percent of the recommended daily value of folic acid. It also helps keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Cold carbonated drinks

Cold carbonated drinks aren’t the best food for your body, especially on an empty stomach. Drinking carbonated beverages in the morning can damage your mucus membranes and reduce the blood supply to the stomach. As a result, food digests slower. To improve your health, go for nuts in the morning. Nuts, if eaten for breakfast, improve your digestive health and normalize the pH in your stomach.

Citrus fruits

The last and most serious fact : no more orange juice in the morning. This citrus fruits are rich in fruit acid .When eat them on an empty stomach they can cause heartburn and increase the risk of gastritis and even gastric ulcers. Instead, eat blueberries in the morning meals. According to the researches, eating blueberries on a regular basis improves your memory and regulates blood pressure, metabolism, especially if you eat them for breakfast.


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