5 Types of Belly That Aren’t Caused by Excess Weight

excess weight

Five types of belly that aren’t caused by excess weight

In summer, all of us want to look perfect. However, sometimes our bellies don’t seem to reduce in size despite our best effort. We sought the advice of James Duigan, a star coach who trained Elle MacPherson and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and learned the most common causes of growth around the weight.

5. Love Handles

How does it look ? You have folds on your sides, and it’s usually caused by sedentary lifestyle, sweet tooth, excess alcohol consumption, lots of sugar and refined carbs, cookies, cakes and white bread or starchy carbs, pasta and rice. How to get rid of it ?
1. Drink less alcohol. Several glasses of wine drunk, three to four times a week lead to a wine waist with a potbelly and fat size. Stop drinking altogether for two weeks, and then remember moderation.
2. Rethink your diet. Avoid special dietary products and the low-fat foods. Add eggs, lean meat and vegetables and healthy fats such as avocado, nuts and high-fat fish in your diet.
3. Find time for exercise. You don’t have to go to the gym, long walks will do as well. Also you can perform lunges, squats and reverse push-ups at home. Keep in mind that physical exercise and proper diet are enough. Both of these will reduce your belly in size and give you strength to go on.

4. Stress Belly

The fat is concentrated around the belly button and the belly is thick, not loose. Here are the factors that cause it : chronic stress, skipping meals, drinking lots of coffee, irritable bowel syndrome, unhealthy food such as salted nuts and potato chips. No worries. There are some effective ways to get rid of it.
1. Go to bed early. You sleep little and poorly under stress which disrupts leptin production, a hormone that helps to regulate your appetite and metabolism. You need to sleep at least seven to eight hours every day and go to bed before midnight.
2. Relax before sleep. Breathing exercises, taking a bath or meditation, all do the trick. These useful habits will help you sleep well. Also limit your nightly coffee consumption. Don’t drink more than two cups of coffee a day.
3. Don’t overexert your body with exercise. Excess cardio only increases your cortisol levels.
Instead do yoga or take long walks. Even a gym session will calm you down, but don’t overdo it.
4. Include magnesium in your diet. Magnesium is a relaxing mineral. You can find it in dark green vegetables, nuts and wheat bran. Also, do some yoga or stretching and drink chamomile tea before going to bed. That will reduce cortisol and help your body calm down.

excess weight

3. Low Belly

How does it look ? You’re slim but your lower belly protrudes a bit. You should know that it might be caused by recent motherhood, anonymous and overly exert of exercise, unchanging diet, final curvature. We know some brilliant ways to get rid of it.
1. Healthy diet and loss of fiber – green leaves vegetables, whole grain bread and other sources of fiber are good for you. Include them in your diet.
2. Give up on squats. You probably do them incorrectly exerting too much effort on your lower back or aggravating spinal curvature. It makes your tummy more prominent. So you should replace squats with planks.
3. Perform different exercises. Don’t overexert any single part of your body. Try circuit training. That way you’ll work every muscle group. Also drink more water and go with easily digested foods such as green vegetables and light proteins such as fish and chicken.

2. Mommy’s Belly

After giving birth, the building looks like you’re pregnant again. Why ? Well, it’s caused by a few reasons.
1. Too little time for yourself, the uterus lowers itself after birth and achieving results becomes harder than it was before pregnancy. It will take at least six weeks to return to your normal size. You started training too early. It’s better to have a rest of two to three months after giving birth before taking up exercise. Don’t rush to the gym. Now it’s better to spend time with your baby.

2 Weak muscles of the pelvis. Muscles of the pelvis like other muscles else need to be regularly trained. There are a lot of special exercises and simulators for this just. Choose your favorites.

How to get rid of mommy’s belly ? It’s easy when you put some effort in this.

1. Consume healthy fat. Try to consume healthy fats every day : nuts, vegetable oil and olives. It helped you fight fatigue, which is a bonus for mom. Also include fish oil in your diet.
2. Do kegel exercises. They act as a natural corset for your body. Strain and relax the pelvic floor muscles, 15 to 20 times and repeat this exercise five times a day. The results will come very soon.
3. Stuck in your belly – It’s a healthy habit that will tone your muscles without overexerting them. Give it a try or give up on squats and crunches. These are the worse for your body after birth. Let it recover first. Don’t forget to take afternoon naps and do stretching before sleep.Cover the windows and let yourself sleep during the day. The sleep hormones will intensify fat burning.

1. Inflated Belly

Your stomach is flat in the morning, but grows during the day regardless of whether you have excess weight. It’s caused by food allergy, sluggish bowels, intestinal flora imbalance. Here are easy ways to get rid of it.

1. Exclude foods that don’t go well with your body. You should cut gluten, bread, pasta, alcohol, yeast ,cakes and beer and process dairy products such as cheese, milk and butter out of your diet.
2. Eat more fresh vegetables, meats, chicken and fish. Try to avoid bread and pastries for two weeks and see if your belly stops swelling.
3. Never skip breakfast. Make it the largest of your meals as digestion is at its peak in the morning.
Don’t eat at night – your food thoroughly and drink a lot of water.
4. Add pre and probiotics in your diet. Swelling may be a sign of imbalance intestinal flora. Premium probiotics are present in sour cream and fruit and vegetables including cabbage, garlic and onion. Remember that a healthy stomach is a flat stomach.
5. Breathing. Do the following exercise every morning : lie on your back, relax completely, inhale and exhale 10 times deeply.

Now you know that a big belly isn’t always caused by excess weight. Lots of reasons cause this problem and there are lots of solutions that can solve this.

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