Benefits & Risks of Sleep & The Hours Needed

sleep benefits

Sleep has Many Benefits on Human Body and Health, including:

Maintaining Body Weight

Studies have shown that adequate sleep regulates appetite, reduces the desire of eating food in large quantities, and that people who suffer from a sleep disorder lead to an increase in weight.

Because lack of sleep stimulates the secretion of the hormone ghrelin, which increases appetite and reduces the secretion of the hormone leptin. Lack of sleep also increases the incidence of obesity for children by a large rate, up to 89%, and for adults, by up to 55%.

Prevention of Diseases:

A review of 15 studies proved that sleeping between 7-8 hours a day reduces the chances of developing chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, affects the level of sugar in the blood, protects against type 2 diabetes, and reduces insulin sensitivity Lack of sleep also increases the chance of developing inflammatory bowel disease and Crown disease.

Prevention of Depression

It is estimated that 90% of people with depression had a sleep disorder, such as: insomnia, or obstructive sleep apnea.

Improving the Immune System

Studies have shown that sleeping for 8 hours improves the performance of the immune system and reduces the incidence of colds, and that who sleeps less than seven hours is three times more likely to catch colds than who sleeps eight hours.

Enhancing Sports Performance

Good and sufficient sleep leads to enhancing the performance of athletes. Studies conducted on basketball players have shown that sleeping for enough periods improves the players’ aiming speed and accuracy, and improves their reflexes and stability during matches.

Boost Brain Function

Adequate sleep improves the performance of the brain, increases its ability to concentrate, enhances memory, and improves problem-solving skills.

How Many Hours of Sleep is Enough for a Person

The human need for sleep varies according to the age groups. A study conducted by the American National Sleep Foundation has proven to determine the hours of sleep that they need according to their age groups. The result of this study was as shown below.

  • Babies from one to three months old need 14 to 17 hours of sleep
  • Babies from 4 to 11 months old need 12 to 15 hours of sleep
  • Children from one to two years old need 11 to 14 hours of sleep
  • School students from 6 to 13 years old need 9 to 11 hours of sleep
  • People between the ages of 14 and 17 need 8 to 10 hours of sleep
  • Adults from 18 to 25 years old and adults from 26 to 64 years old need 7 to 9 hours of sleep
  • Elderly people who are 65 years old need 7 to 8 years of sleep

Benefits of Early Sleep on Overall Health

  1. Sleeping early reduces the feeling of stress
  2. Stimulates positive energy
  3. Refreshes memory
  4. Maintains blood pressure
  5. Maintains heart health
  6. Maintain weight
  7. Early sleep increases productivity
  8. Increases vitality and activity
  9. Reduces the consumption of drinks
  10. Early sleep increases growth hormone in the body

The Risks of Sleep Deprivation

1 / Sleep deprivation increases the risk of chronic disease. Studies and research indicate that the majority of people with insomnia or those who do not get enough sleep have an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as: heart problems, blood vessels, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

2 / Lack of sleep causes aging of the skin. Those who sleep poorly often suffer from wilted and dulled skin, swollen eyelids, increased skin wrinkles, and dark circles around the eyes. This is due to the increase in cortisol, a stress hormone that impedes collagen production and affects skin elasticity.

3 / Lack of sleep reduces sexual desire. Many studies indicate that lack of sleep reduces sexual desire in both men and women due to lack of energy, frustration, and tension.

4 / Lack of sleep leads to weight gain. Lack of sleep and staying up late increases the feeling of hunger and drives the desire for unhealthy foods, especially sugars, in addition to the lack of energy needed to exercise, which leads to weight gain.

5 / Lack of sleep causes depression, and according to many studies, lack of sleep increases the incidence of chronic depression significantly.

6 / Lack of sleep affects the ability to think cognitive; People are unable to function well after a night of poor sleep, and we often struggle at work or school as a result. 7 / Sleepiness causes accidents. Lack of sleep and drowsiness are the cause of many tragic accidents

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