Fake health facts you should know

'fake' health facts you should know

‘fake’ health facts-There is a lot of medical information circulating among people, some of it is correct and the other is wrong and therefore the result is unhealthy habits,

the most common things that are rumored around are health matters, so if you think you know what is best for your body, you may be wrong. Science has proven that there is a set of wrong traditional facts.

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Scientists have always been studying the human body, as new research has revealed some false and exciting facts and other things that we believe in their health, but it is not really so.

Incorrect: vaccines are dangerous

‘fake’ health facts

Hopefully, you’ve stopped believing this – because the theory that vaccines cause autism has always been a myth, as many people believed shots were risky due to thimerosal,

a preservative in some vaccines. However, thimerosal contains a type of mercury that the body can easily remove (only very small amounts are used). Although experts consider it very safe, manufacturers have underestimated it, says Purvey Barrick, allergy and asthma network specialist in allergies and asthma,

that concerns about vaccines continue to appear frequently. In fact, many people skipped vaccinations, as there was an outbreak of diseases that doctors had not seen for decades.

This also applies to influenza vaccine, so what is injected is a dead virus, so it is impossible to catch a disease from the shot. People with a reaction feel their immune system responds.

Even vaccines that contain live forms of the virus, such as the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, use weak forms of the virus and are safe for most people who do not have weak immune systems.

Not true: If you are not hypersensitive, you will never do so

Unfortunately, food allergies are on the rise and getting more severe, as scientists are not sure exactly why. People can develop it at almost any stage of life, into almost any type of food, and the effects can range from mild to severe. Although there has been some progress in exposure therapy, which gradually introduces a person to allergens to reduce his allergic reaction, Dr. Barrick warns that this is not something that you should try on your own.

Incorrect: only children who develop asthma

In fact, more than American adults (about 20 million) suffer from asthma more than children (about six million), according to the Centers for Disease Control. As with allergies, you can develop asthma as an adult even if you have never been before, and it may be life-threatening if not treated, says Dr. Barrick.

Incorrect: Eating more protein gives you more energy

‘fake’ health facts

Protein fills you and provides a steady amount of calories burned, which is why weight-loss experts recommend it on refined carbohydrates for people looking to shed a few pounds. But despite what old-fashioned diet enthusiasts can believe, most Americans eat more animal protein

A Guide to Longevity.” Eating a lot From meat it can contribute to increasing acidity in the body and increasing inflammation – this is associated with many chronic diseases so you only need 50 grams of protein per day and not more, and Dr. Gallitzer says: “One of the most healthy things you can do is balance. When you eat protein for breakfast and lunch, try eating an NBA meal Tie in dinner. ”

Incorrect: Weight loss is a matter of willpower

Willpower for a short period of time may follow a diet, but in the end, almost everyone collapses. How long a single chemical in your brain stimulates love, sex, and creativity, and will determine its fate from the human race, says Michael Long, author of The Molecule of More. “It is the chemical dopamine that makes you crave unhealthy food, and it is very powerful.” He suggests that instead of trying to fight this fact, you should include strategies to avoid hunger and seduction: to store healthy snacks, to keep tempting foods outside the home, to shop for beneficial foods, and to avoid fast foods.

Not true: Organic food is pesticide-free and nutritious

This is not true, as organic foods are not pesticide-free, and they are not necessarily better, as farmers are allowed to use pesticides that are derived from nature, knowing that synthetic is better than it is in some cases. According to the US Department of Agriculture, there is little difference between the quantities of pesticides in inorganic and organic foods, and the consumption of the former is not frightening.

Not true: eating chocolate leads to acne

This is a mistake. For one month, scientists conducted a study of two groups of people. The first one dealt with bars that contain thick quantities of chocolate, and the second plates are illusory that they contain them. The results showed that neither chocolate nor fat leads to acne, so the latter is a result of the wrong diet and lifestyle.

Incorrect: eating eggs raise cholesterol

Research has proven that food that contains a high level of cholesterol in the blood will not raise the levels of cholesterol in your blood, says Kerry Glassman, author of “Nutritious Life.” In addition, the egg yolks contain the largest portion of egg vitamins, including the soluble fats A, D, E and K, as well as calcium, iron, and choline. It should be noted that only egg whites can be skipped and get one of the most nutritious natural foods: the egg.

Incorrect: Oral health is not important to the body

‘fake’ health facts

More research shows that oral health is closely related to your general health. In the past few decades, scientists have discovered evidence that poor oral health and gum disease are linked to systemic diseases such as diabetes,

heart disease, even premature births, and underweight babies at birth – according to dentist Ami Barakat – author of Smiling Mastery and Life Change: “Your guide to experiencing Exceptional teeth.

Incorrect: snoring is normal

Unless you have a cold, you should not make a lot of noise while sleeping. Snoring is not a sign of restful and deep sleep. This could be a sign of something wrong with your airway

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