How to cope with tiredness and insomnia

tiredness and insomnia

8 Scientific Ways to Do Away With All Sleep Problems

Sometimes everyone needs to cover yourself with a warm blanket, nestle among your fluffy pillows, and get a good night’s sleep. Yet a hectic lifestyle, constant worries, and health problems don’t always allow you to enjoy this wonderful moment. When lullabies and chamomile tea don’t help you anymore, science comes to the rescue!

Our team is happy to share with you some good advice on how to cope with tiredness and insomnia in the short term. Have sweet dreams!

Do you know, for example, that 80% of people suffer from cramps and muscle spasms, regardless of age? To get rid of cramps and spasms, try massaging, warming up and stretching the muscles. Yoga can also help improve stretching and strengthen your muscles!

Trouble falling asleep

If you have trouble falling asleep, refuse tea and coffee 7 hours before going to bed. It’s all about caffeine. Caffeine is a psychostimulant which increases overall work efficiency and brain activity.


If snoring torments you, go to sleep on your side with your hands under your head. Before going to bed, rinse your nose with saline to open the nasal passages.

Neck pain

The most common reason for neck pain is an awkward sleeping position. Also, if your neck hurts, change pillows at least once every 2 years.

tiredness and insomnia

Waking up at night

It’s better to avoid drinking alcohol before bed. And make sure the room temperature is around 20-22C ¬– heat has a bad effect on your sleep.


To prevent heartburn, go to sleep on your left side with your head on a large raised pillow.

Shoulder pain

It is often difficult to fall asleep due to shoulder pain. If your shoulder hurts, go to sleep on your back, hugging your pillow.

Trouble waking up

If you have trouble waking up every morning, change your schedule. Wake up every day at the same time, even on weekends.

Back pain

If your back hurts, put another pillow under your thighs if you sleep on your stomach, or under your legs if you sleep on your back. Also, try the fetal position – in this case, place the pillow between your knees.

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