What happens to your body when sleep deprivation?

sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation or inability to sleep is a big problem for many, especially in modern times, so there have been numerous studies examining the causes and effects of it.

According to Russia Today, one of the important studies, a number of Australian experts revealed what exactly happens to the body and mind when you do not get enough sleep in one night.

1) Memory and concentration problems

In addition to restoring the body, sleep is also necessary to restore balance to the mind. Sleep.org explained that when people are awake, the brain actively produces a chemical called Adenosine, a substance that accumulates throughout the day to produce the desire to sleep when Peaks at the end of the day.

During sleep, your body will rid you of this chemical, which can help you wake up and feel refreshed.

Experts at Bed Threads also said that intermittent sleep in one night has an impact on brain function, especially memory, where activity in the brain memory center (hippocampus) decreases, meaning that those who did not get enough sleep at night will find it difficult to solve problems.

2) Weak immune system:

It can be difficult to avoid many of the germs scattered in the workplace or in public transport, so you must strengthen your immune system, by ensuring you get the required amount of sleep every night.

Without enough sleep, your body cannot perform natural remedies, including repairing damaged cells or releasing “fighting” cells, so if you are exposed to bacteria or viruses, your body may be more susceptible to disease.

3) Pale and pale skin:

You’ve probably heard of the term “beauty sleep,” a concept that suggests getting good quality sleep every night has positive effects on mood and productivity as well as getting a more attractive appearance.

The reason for this is that during sleep, the body works hard to produce a certain type of growth hormone, as well as refreshing and restorative cells.

But if sleep is interrupted regularly, collagen production decreases, meaning the skin can lose elasticity and firmness, so sleep “makes us look healthy and refreshed,” according to Bed Threads.

4) Mood swings:

Lack of sleep affects logic, which has an indirect effect on emotions, and mood and inability to regulate emotions can be attributed to sleep deprivation, which can lead to a range of different occupational problems.

“Losing sleep will make us feel resentful, angry, and sad in response to unpleasant events, and make us less able to enjoy and be happy with the good things in our lives,” says the Sleep for Health Foundation.

5) Chronic health problems

People who consistently fail to get enough sleep are at increased risk of developing chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Sleep deprivation is also associated with other problems such as overweight and obesity.This is because during your sleep the body produces leptin, a hormone associated with energy consumption, and insufficient sleep reduces this hormone and leads the brain to produce more ghrelin, which causes hunger.

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