How To Get Rid Of Sore Throat At Home ?

sore throat

How To Get Rid Of Sore Throat At Home? 


As the weather changes in autumn and the winter is coming, many people suffer from throat congestion, which causes a lot of pain with difficulties in swallowing food, usually accompanied by a cold and flu, and because this condition lasts several days and the severity ranges between normal and severe congestion, we offer a group of Natural recipes that speed up the treatment of pain.

Treatment of sore throat and colds

  • Drinking a large number of fluids and drinking water constantly is very important, to make up for the shortage and get rid of dehydration, which increases the severity of congestion.
  • Stay away from high-caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and soft drinks.
  • Eat foods that contain natural antibiotics, such as garlic and onions, to eliminate decongestant viruses, as well as to help relieve pain.
  • Stay away from processed, fast, and preserved foods that contain a high content of sugars.
  • It is important to wash your hands frequently to get rid of the viruses that cause the disease.

Before mentioning natural methods of treatment, it is important to go to the doctor to prescribe appropriate drug therapy.

Recipes for the treatment of sore throat

1- Honey

One of the natural recipes that help to treat sore throat and rhinitis, by eating a spoon a day in the morning, which helps to calm the cough and protect from exposure to viruses and get rid of them in case of infection, honey is one of the quickest treatment recipes.


2 – Saltwater

Salt water
Gargling with warm water added to salt is one of the most successful recipes to reduce sore throat, soothe inflammation and kill bacteria, by placing half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, and gargle at least twice a day.

3- Baking soda

baking soda
Baking soda has properties that play a role in killing bacteria and prevent fungi from growing, so it is possible to gargle with warm water added to the baking soda, helps to reduce sore throat.

4- Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to contain antimicrobials, which helps to get rid of mucus and sore throats, which contributes to the non-spread of bacteria, by placing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, and gargle them 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of sore throat by herbs

5- Chamomile

One of the herbs that help to soothe throat congestion quickly, because it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, it also contains medicinal properties holding the congestion, as well as it strengthens the immune system, which helps the body to fight the infection causing a sore throat.

6 – Mint

It has the ability to treat sore throat in adults and children because it contains menthol, which plays a role in calming the cough, and also contains anti-inflammatory properties, bacteria, and viruses, which helps to heal quickly.

7- Fenugreek

Taking a glass of fenugreek can help you get rid of sore throat and kill bacteria, thanks to the antifungals that cause irritation and inflammation.

8 – Chili Pepper 

Chili pepper
Chili pepper is used to soothe different pains because it is a natural compound that prevents pain receptors and helps to kill the bacteria that cause sore throat.

It is possible to put a teaspoon of chili in a glass of warm water and add a spoonful of bee honey, which helps to reduce congestion.


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