How to Burn Belly Fat While Sleeping??
It is known that weight loss can be achieved with dieting and exercise well, that is true, but do you know that shedding some kilos while sleeping is entirely possible?
The problem with today’s perception is that it’s always about reducing calorie intake and exercising regularly, but very rarely about sleeping on time and getting enough rest. The truth is the longer you stay up the
more calories you consume.
Thankfully, you can add simple tweaks to your routine to help burn belly fat.
1 – Have Whole Grains At Lunch
You’re avoiding big meals, coffee, and colas before bed, but what about complex carbs? It’s simple — save them for lunch not dinner.
Serotonin converts to melatonin, so it’s important to have them. Serotonin comes from whole-grain complex carbs, hence ,you can have carbs at lunch and not before bed. Also don’t forget to meet your daily fiber goal of around 20 grams of insoluble fiber.
Fiber is essential to sleep, so aim to eat that daily and your body can convert enough serotonin to promote better sleep. According to studies, pepper is one of the most effective spices for fat burning.
2 – Sprinkle Pepper On Your Meals
According to studies, pepper is one of the most effective spices for fat burning
Chili peppers contain a compound called capsaicin that is known to speed up abdominal fat loss. Similarly, black pepper has piperine, a substance that’s also known to reduce belly fat. And so, to help reduce belly fat as you sleep, consider sprinkling pepper on your meals, especially during the evening.
Doing so will activate your body’s fat-burning process before you hit the hay. You don’t need large quantities of pepper to include in your food to get the belly fat shedding benefits of pepper . A small sprinkle to your meals regularly will suffice.
3 – Eat Dinner Earlier
Are you used to eating dinner late, say 9 pm onwards? if yes then it’s time to make some changes..
Eating dinner earlier gives your body enough time to digest before sleep. The last thing you want is to have a
large meal that keeps you feeling bloated before hitting the sack .
Moreover, when your body isn’t working overtime trying to process all the foods in your stomach, you can sleep better and wake up feeling rested. This is important because sleep can affect your food cravings the next day. It also affects your body’s regulation of hunger hormones.
4 – Keep Your Dinner Portion Small.
It is not ideal to go to bed starving , that said ,you shouldn’t sleep completely stuffed either . Again, eating a large meal before bed only compels your body to exert more effort in digesting.
So, rather than having an enormous dinner, keep the portion small, especially if you’re used to eating a bit later than usual. Aim for your last meal to be at least an hour or two before you sleep.
5 – Eat A Bit Of Cottage Cheese Before Bed.
Avoiding foods in the evening will only mess up your weight loss goals, so instead of withholding yourself , have some cottage cheese . Don’t worry , it’s rich in protein and has the amino acid tryptophan that makes you feel full.
What’s more ,it stops you from waking up hungry, which in turn, prevents you from devouring a whole feast at breakfast.
6 – Schedule Tea Time
One best way to get your brain to slow down and relax is to sit down and have a soothing cup of tea. Ditch your coffee or night cap and brew a cup of chamomile or ginger tea. Herbal tea is amazing at helping ease your tension so you can unwind for the day. Green tea is also a good option, it may seem counterintuitive as it has caffeine, but it’s actually more sleep friendly than you think.
But more than that, both teas are great for supporting a happy belly, and better digestion means a good chance of losing belly fat overnight. What’s more, it has several compounds that aid in fat burning. An example of this, is the antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate [ECGC] , which can boost metabolism.
7- Say Goodbye To Your Nightly Glass Of Wine
Wine usually gets a pass for being a “healthy” alcoholic drink, thanks to its resveratrol content resveratrol is a plant compound that’s been linked to heart healthy benefits albeit more research is still needed but unbeknownst to you that one glass of wine is still a high sugar beverage and if you drink too much it will only disrupt your sleep
You may feel like drinking wine helps you relax and fall asleep faster, but scientifically, it prevents your body from advancing into the REM state, where truly restful sleep and dreaming happens.
8 – Do Yoga
Striking some poses ,and by that, we mean, yoga poses, can have a huge influence on your sleep quality. Yoga involves breathing ,meditation, and stretching ,which all lead to a calmer mind. It calms your nervous system and
releases tension from your shoulders and neck. But best of all, yoga allows you to focus inward effectively blocking out stress and enabling you to relax
9 – Turn Down The Temperature
Not all fat is bad. As a matter of fact, you may want to gain certain fats to aid you in your weight loss. This fat is no
other than brown fat, fat in the body that uses energy to acclimatize to your surroundings.
Brown fats can be activated by cold temperatures and act as an ‘internal heater’.
As a result, your body produces more brown fat cells and burns more calories. Thus, sleeping cold can help you drop some kilos. Additionally, more brown fat means less white fat. White fat stores energy from the food you eat. Your belly fat is an example of white fat.
10 – Turn Off Your Gadgets
Everyone’s practically glued to their mobile phones and gadgets these days. That’s okay, but you should set some limits. The moment you’re in bed , ban any use of an electronic device.
Gadgets will only distract you, leading to less and poor sleep. Reduced energy the following day impacts your physical activity. Plus, blue light that’s emitted from your mobile phones can hamper the melatonin production in your body. Bottom line – leave your electronics in the living room or switch them off.
11- No TV Either
Lean people watch less tv. Apparently this is proven true by a recent study , in that study it was found that every two hours spent watching tv increases the risk of developing diabetes ,heart disease, and having an early death by 20% ,15 % and 13% respectively.
Scientists are yet to figure out the exact explanation why sitting is very detrimental to health. But one clear and partial reason, is that the less we move, the less fuel we require , this leads to surplus blood sugars flooding the bloodstream and contributing to diabetes and other weight related risks.
12 – Get Blackout Curtains Or Shades
Blackout curtains make a great difference when falling asleep. Complete darkness helps the body produce the sleep hormone, melatonin, more efficiently.
Based on studies , melatonin production is compromised when there’s light and even slight and short exposure can impede its production.
This is important because melatonin influences metabolism, particularly in the process of converting brown fat into white fat. Darken your room using light-blocking curtains or shades so when you head to bed, even early, it’ll feel natural.
13 – Invest In A Great Pillow
Gadgets are out of sight, and your television is off, but you still can’t sleep. How about getting a new pillow?
Get an orthopedic pillow to keep your neck aligned , this way you’ll wake up more rested with no neck pain
14 – Sleep Early
The body burns calories as you sleep, even if you think you’re doing nothing.
The truth is, the body burns more calories when you’re sound asleep than when you’re lying in bed wide awake. The best part is that the better your sleep is, the longer you can sleep, and the more calories your body burns.
This is because, during deep sleep, or REM, your brain is the most active. As your brain uses energy, your body continuously produces glucose to fuel this activity, even while you’re sleeping. On average, a 52-kilo person can lose around 42 calories per hour of sleep. Burning belly fat while sleeping–very neat, huh?