Boost Immunity – Foods That Can Boost the Immunity System
With the proliferation of viruses, the human body needs some important foods to enhance the body’s immunity to fight viruses, as the immune system works to defend the body against viruses, and against foreign and infectious organisms, so it is necessary to eat some foods that enhance the body’s immunity and strengthen the immune system, To help the body recover faster.
The elderly are the most vulnerable to infection with the Coronavirus, as many medical studies have proven that aging is one of the main factors that contribute to reducing the efficiency of the immune system, and making it more vulnerable to infection with viruses.
The Most Important Foods That Help Strengthen The Immunity of The Elderly:
1- Eggs
Eggs provide the body with proteins and vitamins, which can help boost the immune system, and eggs are defined as a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary to improve the immune system of everyone alike.
2- Spinach
Spinach is an important vegetable for the body in general, and for the elderly in particular, as it is rich in vitamin C and high in antioxidants, so spinach is a good choice for its many benefits, the most important of which is strengthening the immune system.
It nourishes the body with beta-carotene. Spinach also contains vitamin K, which makes it an excellent choice in an immune-boosting diet for the elderly.
3- Sweet Potato
Rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, sweet potatoes are packed with antioxidants that can benefit the immune system of the elderly.
4- The Garlic
So far, it has not been scientifically proven that garlic can eradicate the Coronavirus, after several rumors circulated through social media, but eating 2-3 garlic pills daily can enhance the immune system’s ability to face diseases and viruses, as garlic contains active compounds with A high concentration of sulfur such as allicin, which is believed to help improve the ability of immune cells to fight colds and influenza, and garlic also possesses antibacterial and antiviral properties.
5- Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits such as orange, lemon, and grapefruit contain a high percentage of Vitamin C, which contains antioxidants, which help resist colds and also help in chances of reducing infection, so make sure to strengthen your immune system by eating citrus or Drink its juices.
6- Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds contain important vitamins including magnesium, phosphorous, and vitamin B6, a few of which can be added to your salad dish because they contain antioxidants, which help maintain the immune system’s functions and regulate its action.
7- Ginger
Ginger helps in treating respiratory diseases, as it contains anti-microbial properties, such as salmonella treatment, and is also ideal in promoting the health of the body in the fight against cancerous diseases.
It helps reduce inflammation, reduces nausea, reduces chronic pain, and has cholesterol-lowering properties.
8- Broccoli
Among the other foods that contribute to enhancing the body’s immunity, the body helps in achieving a balance in the body’s immune system, and the fibers also benefit in enhancing the health of the colon system.
It is one of the most important vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals, as it is rich in vitamins A, C and E, antioxidants and other fibers.
So, taking one cup of broccoli daily enhances the immune system’s work because it contains a number of minerals such as Zinc and selenium, which work to boost the body’s immune system and prevent infectious diseases.
9- Papaya
One of the fruits rich in vitamin C, as you can get 224% of the daily amount of vitamin C from eating one papaya.
10 – Kiwi
Kiwi is full of essential nutrients including folate, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C.
11 – Yogurt
Yogurt improves the ability of the digestive system, and also strengthens the immune system, because it is rich in good bacteria that destroy bad bacteria in the stomach and increase the chances of strengthening the immune system.
Boost Immunity – Foods That Can Boost the Immunity System