Vitamin D – How to Boost it inYour Body
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins a person needs, and it is important for bone formation and maintaining its health, in addition to many important benefits for the health of the body, and in this article, we will address everything related to its benefits and sources and the harms of its deficiency in the body or the increase it in a form excessive.
What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found naturally in a small number of foods, and one of the main sources we get from it is exposure to sunlight, and it can also be taken in the form of nutritional supplements. When the body absorbs it, it is converted into two different forms to benefit from it through the liver and kidneys. The liver converts it to calcidiol, while the kidneys convert it to calcitriol.
The normal amount in the blood, is 20 to 50 nanograms per milliliter, and if the amount is less than 20 ng/ml, this amount is not sufficient for the body and the body suffers from a deficiency of vitamin “D”.
Benefits of vitamin D for the body
The Vitamin has many functions for the body and we will explain the most important of these benefits:
- Promotes calcium absorption in the gut.
- Maintain calcium and phosphate levels.
- Formation and maintenance of bone strength, prevention of rickets, and osteoporosis.
- Reducing inflammation.
- Strengthening the immune system and facilitating its work.
The benefits of Vitamin D?
There are many benefits and they vary, including:
- Fighting disease In addition to its primary functions, research indicates that vitamin D may also play a role in:
- Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and atherosclerosis.
- Reduces the chance of heart disease.
- It helps reduce the possibility of influenza.
Vitamin D benefits for Preventing Depression
Research has shown that vitamin D may play an important role in regulating mood and preventing depression. In one study, scientists found that people with depression who received supplements noted an improvement in their symptoms.
Benefits of Vitamin D for Weight Loss
Consider adding vitamin D supplements to your diet to help you lose weight and prevent heart disease, especially if it is taken with calcium.
Sources of Vitamin D.
You can enjoy the benefits of Vitamin D through its sources. It is worth noting that the most important sources of Vitamin D are as follows:
- Exposure to sunlight.
- Foods
- Nutritional supplements.
The sun as a source of vitamin D.
Exposure to sunlight is one of the most important sources of this vitamin, so the skin absorbs it from the sun’s rays. However, it is important not to be exposed to ultraviolet light as it damages the skin, so it is best not to be exposed to sunlight at the time of the peak ultraviolet rays from 10 am: 4 pm and exposure for a period of 10 minutes is sufficient to absorb vitamin D, and do not forget in any way It is possible to put sunscreen before it.
What foods are rich in vitamin D.
The vitamin is found in a few foods, the most important of which are fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel, and liver oil is among the most important of these sources of Vitamin D and other sources of it:
- Red meat.
- Cattle liver.
- Yolk
- Legumes
- Yogurt
- Orange juice.
- Dairy
- Breakfast Cereal.
- Ghee
Vitamin D Supplements
Vitamin D can be obtained from various nutritional supplements, and there are two types of it, vitamin D2 and D3.
The Allowed Dose of Vitamin D per day
We’ll show the dose to get by age:
- To be 1 year old, an infant needs 10 micrograms of vitamin D.
- From 1: 13 years old, whether male or female needs 15 micrograms.
- From the age of 14:18, an individual needs 600 grams.
- From the age of 19:50, both men and women need 15 micrograms, and also the same dose for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- From the age of 51: 70 a person needs 15 micrograms.
- For those over 70, it needs 20 mcg.
The Risk to Excess Vitamin D in the Body
Despite the many benefits of the vitamin, if you take a lot of supplements o, and its percentage exceeds the recommended daily dose, as we explained above, it leads to an increase in the percentage of calcium in the blood, which causes hyperkalemia, a disease that may lead Many health problems, including weak bones, and damage to the kidneys and the heart.
Vitamin D deficiency in the body – Symptoms
Vitamin D deficiency may cause several problems, including the risk of children getting rickets and osteomalacia. As for adults, they may develop osteoporosis. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include:
- Difficulty thinking clearly.
- Bone pain.
- Recurrent bone fractures.
- Muscle weakness.
- Unexplained fatigue.
- Feeling frustrated and not cheerful
- Hair fall
- Laziness, lack of activity and lack of enthusiasm for any activity
Vitamin D – How to boost it in your body
We here advise you to carry out a Vitamin D analysis immediately when feeling these symptoms, because recent scientific studies have proven that its deficiency affects negatively on human health, stressing the need to take it regularly until its rate returns to the average Natural.
How to treat and prevent Vitamin D deficiency
The doctor will prescribe nutritional supplements, it is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamin D, and for the prevention of low levels of it, these tips are given to you:
Vitamin D – How to boost it in your body
- Going out in the sun without sunscreen for 15 minutes each day is far away from peak times.
- Eat foods that contain vitamin D.
- Purchase and eat foods fortified with vitamin D, such as breakfast cereals and milk.
- A healthy diet with foods added to vitamin D and exposure to sunlight as much as possible can help you enjoy the benefits of vitamin D and maintain its healthy levels in your body.